Double Up | Classic Rattan Etagere with Cabinet Space


We’ve all been spending a lot more time at home which means your collection of True Crime paperbacks and elephant knickknacks has probably doubled in size. Rest assured, we’ve got your back.

This classic rattan etagere with cabinet space is perfect for books and is as well as your records and record player.

54 w x 78 t x 18 d


Board Games | Estate-sized Mahogany Dining Table

Estate-sized Mahogany Dining Table
Estate-sized Mahogany Dining Table

Whether you’re having board meetings or playing board games, this table has got you covered.

This estate-sized mahogany dining table by Council of Grand Rapids, Michigan features a double pedestal, three extensions, and banded trim on the top in rosewood and tulipwood. The table can seat 12 adults when fully extended and has brass feet, trim, and casters,

72 l x 46 d x 29.5 tall without extensions. 
11 feet long fully extended. 

More the Merrier | Set of Eight Contemporary Hardwood Dining Chairs

Set of Eight Hardwood Dining Chairs

You’d forgo long solo walks on the beach with long lively talks with your friend group any day. The more the merrier!

This set of 8 contemporary hardwood dining chairs features durable, washable fabric. 

20 w x 23 d x 41 t


Brunch Time | Milo-Baughman Dining Table

Milo-Baughman Dining Table

Since the pandemic continues to disrupt your Sunday brunch plans, you’ve had to get creative in the kitchen. French toast, waffles, and eggs benedict are three of your specialties (and Cinnamon Toast Crunch when you really want to indulge).

This Milo-Baughman dining table is perfect for the breakfast room or small dining room.

36 x 36 x 29


More Love Please | Mid-century Dining Table by Monteverdi-Young

Mid-century Dining Table by Monteverdi-Young

Need some inspiration for some hearty meals with loved ones or how about some heartfelt love letters to loved ones?  The choice is yours.

This mid-century dining table by Monteverdi-Young can also be used as a large desk.

72 l x 38 w x 28 t


Good to Be Home | 1980s Custom Parsons-style Oak Dining Table

1980s Custom Parsons-style Oak Dining Table

The dining table is so much more these days; it’s also a craft table, a school desk, a Zoom book club space, and a place where you can prepare dinner as a family. It’s good to be home.

This 1980s custom Parsons-style oak dining table features a parquet design and removable extension, 

42 square or 57 long by 30 tall


Decadent Dinner Parties | Mid-century Hutch by Stanley

Mid-century hutch by Stanley

Remember when we used to throw decadent dinner parties and invite our friends and colleagues over for a relaxing night in? The only thing we are throwing these days is our hands up in despair. Take it easy, sweetie, when this is all over we’ll throw one hell of a shindig!

This mid-century hutch/credenza by Stanley features a display, a drawer, original hardware and cabinet space. Hutch comes in two pieces for easy transport.  

64 w x 19 d x 73 t


Invest in the Best| Set of Six Mahogany Chippendale Chairs

Set of Six Mahogany Chippendale Chairs

Spending a lot more time at home has been good for one thing at least; it’s made you seriously rethink your flippant design choices of home decor.

This set of six mahogany Chippendale chairs were handcrafted in Wellington Hall North Carolina. 

24 w x 20 d x 41 t.


Bottoms Up | Set of Four Vintage Dining Chairs

Set of Four Vintage Dining Chairs

You’re never too old to have Alice in Wonderland themed tea parties (we won’t tell anyone if you spike your peppermint tea with absinth.) Bottoms up!

This set of four vintage dining chairs features mosaic burl wood inlays in white-washed finish.

19 w x 20 d x 35 t

 $495 set of four

Farm Life | Vintage Handcrafted Farm Hutch

Vintage Handcrafted Farm Hutch

The next time you run out of milk and curse the idea of having to leave your safety bubble in order to venture out into the cold aisles of the supermarket, remind yourself that it’s a heck of a lot better than having to wake up at 4 in the morning to milk the cows.

This vintage handcrafted farm hutch features a floral design, shelf, and drawer space.

73 t x 43 w x 16 1/2 d.


Top of the Class | Large 9-drawer Chest by Thomasville

Top of the Class | Large 9-drawer Chest by Thomasville

Though you’ve got that Professor swag, you’ve still got a Kindergarten teacher heart of gold.

This large 9-drawer Asian-style chest by Thomasville features an inlaid top, original brass hardware, and custom glass top.

76 l x 19 d x 32 t


2021 Dinner Party | Round Mid-century Drop Leaf Dining Table

Mid-century Drop Leaf Dining Table
Mid-century Drop Leaf Dining Table

Table is suitable for 2021 dinner parties when social gatherings are a thing again. Otherwise, the extensions are great for puzzling at home alone.

This mid-century drop leaf dining table features two extensions in order to seat a party of 6. 

72 long by 30 tall or 54 round


Collecting Issues | Vintage Rattan Etagere with Chippendale Design

Vintage Rattan Etagere

Whether you collect rare disco records or vintage issues of National Geographic, this etagere has you covered.

This vintage rattan etagere with Chippendale design has lots of shelf and cabinet space, perfect for a record player and vinyl collection.

54 w x 18 d x 78 t


Thank You For Being A | Vintage Wicker Etagere

Vintage Wicker Etagere

Imagine the Golden Girls during a pandemic — Rose inviting the postman in for an appreciation drink, Blanche considering calling the Corona hotline just to speak to a handsome doctor, Dorothy running around fully masked and gloved spraying down every surface with Lysol, and Sophia acting completely unbothered by it all before segueing into an unrelated story about her past, “Picture it, Sicily, 1932.”

This vintage wicker etagere features a faux bamboo design — reminiscent of the Golden Girls decor.

31 w x 79 t x 14 d


Such is Life | Vintage Wicker Hutch

Vintage Wicker Hutch

Never would you have guessed that you’d arrive at a point in time when buying a hutch gave you more of a thrill than upgrading your wardrobe with the latest trends. Such is life!

This vintage wicker hutch with display features plenty of cabinet space.

18 in deep x 45 in wide x 78 tall


Sacrificial Comfort | Set of Four Leather Wrapped Egyptian Chairs by Ferguson and Copeland

Set of Four Leather Wrapped Egyptian Chairs by Ferguson and Copeland

Anyone who has ever donned a pair of sweatpants after a long day in ill-fitting clothes probably believes comfort and style can’t coexist. But these dining chairs might just challenge that notion.

Each of these four “Egyptian” chairs by Ferguson and Copeland has been wrapped in leather and is comfy too. 

24 w x 24 d x 35 t with 19 seat height.


Average Gatsby | 1920s Sideboard

1920s Sideboard

You don’t have to be the Great Gatsby to throw grandiose dinner parties and memorable social gatherings. Average Gatsby also likes to partake in fun engagements from time to time.

This 1920s sideboard features a silverware drawer, linen storage, and cabinet space 

71 w x 23 d x 43 t


Never Let Go | Rosewood Dining Table and Ten Chairs

Rosewood Dining Table and Ten Chairs

Jack wouldn’t have let go of this Rose.

This beautiful rosewood dining set was handcrafted in Thailand and features an understated Asian design. The comfortable chairs come with their original cushions in a vintage floral print. Set includes table, two 18-inch extensions, two armchairs, and eight side chairs.

The table without extensions measures 60 in long x 44 in deep x 30 in tall


Good Old Fashioned Fun | Classic Game Table by Heritage With Matching Chairs

Classic Game Table by Heritage

When’s the last time you invited your friends over for a “game night”? You’d be surprised how much fun the “good old-fashioned” variety is.

This classic game table by Heritage comes with four matching chairs and features a gold embossed leather top with pull out drink holders and brass trim.

Table is 36 r round x 30 tall


Respect the Rattan | Large Rattan and Rawhide Glass Top Dining Table

Large Rattan and Rawhide Glass Top Dining Table

Glass and metal can come across as pretentious and cold, kind of like your mother-in-law. Glass and rattan, however, commands respect sans intimidation.

This large rattan and rawhide glass top dining table has been attributed to McGuire of San Francisco. 

30 in tall x 52 in round
