Get On My Level | Traditional Tri-level Oak Table


The next time you tell someone to “get on your level”, you’ll have to specify which one - 1, 2, or 3.

This traditional tri-level oak table features cane detailing. 

27 w x 24 d x 25.5 t


R & R | Wicker Coffee Table


There is nothing that says the folks who live here are relaxed and respectable quite like a fine piece of wicker furniture.

This wicker coffee table features a lower shelf for books.

18 t x 52 w x 25 d


Head in the Clouds | Large Custom Made Console Table


Feeling like your head is in the clouds? You might need some groundedness. Take this sturdy console table home, plant it firmly in the foyer, and voila!

This large, custom-made console table features carved shell details and a unique finish.

31 t x 72 w x 25 d


Board Games | Estate-sized Mahogany Dining Table

Estate-sized Mahogany Dining Table
Estate-sized Mahogany Dining Table

Whether you’re having board meetings or playing board games, this table has got you covered.

This estate-sized mahogany dining table by Council of Grand Rapids, Michigan features a double pedestal, three extensions, and banded trim on the top in rosewood and tulipwood. The table can seat 12 adults when fully extended and has brass feet, trim, and casters,

72 l x 46 d x 29.5 tall without extensions. 
11 feet long fully extended. 

Celebrate Good Times | Vintage French-style Drop Leaf Coffee Table

Vintage French-style Drop Leaf Coffee Table

A big family means you’re always celebrating something; birthdays, graduations and anniversaries. Make sure there’s enough room for significant others and bundles of joy!

This vintage, French-style, drop leaf coffee table features a leather top, embossed gold detailing and one drawer.

60.5 w x 17 t x 23 d when fully extended
40 long with leaves down


On Trend | Antique Carved Chinese Washstand

Antique Carved Chinese Wash Stand

What is a washstand? A washstand is a piece of furniture that holds a wash-basin and water pitcher. Some were even used for hair-powdering. If you’ve run out of things to be grateful for, here are a couple more: hair powdering is no longer a trend and we have running water.

This beautifully carved antique Chinese washstand could be used as umbrella storage or a small foyer table. 

27 w x 17 d x 60 t


Environmentally Friendly | Antique Inlayed Drop Front Occasional Table

Antique Inlayed Drop Front Occasional Table

Chariots were once a conveniently fast way to travel for many ancient people. And they were a lot more environmentally friendly!

This antique, inlayed, drop front occasional table from Italy has been beautifully inlayed with a chariot design. 

35 r x 25 t


Brunch Time | Milo-Baughman Dining Table

Milo-Baughman Dining Table

Since the pandemic continues to disrupt your Sunday brunch plans, you’ve had to get creative in the kitchen. French toast, waffles, and eggs benedict are three of your specialties (and Cinnamon Toast Crunch when you really want to indulge).

This Milo-Baughman dining table is perfect for the breakfast room or small dining room.

36 x 36 x 29


More Love Please | Mid-century Dining Table by Monteverdi-Young

Mid-century Dining Table by Monteverdi-Young

Need some inspiration for some hearty meals with loved ones or how about some heartfelt love letters to loved ones?  The choice is yours.

This mid-century dining table by Monteverdi-Young can also be used as a large desk.

72 l x 38 w x 28 t


Good to Be Home | 1980s Custom Parsons-style Oak Dining Table

1980s Custom Parsons-style Oak Dining Table

The dining table is so much more these days; it’s also a craft table, a school desk, a Zoom book club space, and a place where you can prepare dinner as a family. It’s good to be home.

This 1980s custom Parsons-style oak dining table features a parquet design and removable extension, 

42 square or 57 long by 30 tall


Lap of Luxury | Mid-century Brutalist Lotus Coffee Table

Mid-century Brutalist Lotus Coffee Table

If the idea of being hand-fed a bunch of grapes sounds appealing, you might be a goddess. Live in the lap of luxury you lucky lady, you.

This mid-century brutalist lotus coffee table attributed to Silas Seandell belongs in the decadent chamber of a Greek Goddess.

60 w x 30 d x 16 t


Place and Purpose | Traditional-style Rosewood Console

Traditional-style Rosewood Console

Junk drawers are not allowed in your house. Each object must have a purpose and a place, otherwise, it goes in the bin.

This traditional-style rosewood console features three drawers.

48 w x 16 d x 31 t

Charming Character | Vintage Hand-painted Chinese Coffee Table

Vintage Hand-painted Chinese Coffee Table

Vintage doesn’t necessarily have to mean pretentious and boring. Take this table for example. Though it’s aged, it’s also full of character and charm like a worn copy of your favorite paperback.

This vintage hand-painted Chinese coffee table features three drawers on both the front and back sides.


2021 Dinner Party | Round Mid-century Drop Leaf Dining Table

Mid-century Drop Leaf Dining Table
Mid-century Drop Leaf Dining Table

Table is suitable for 2021 dinner parties when social gatherings are a thing again. Otherwise, the extensions are great for puzzling at home alone.

This mid-century drop leaf dining table features two extensions in order to seat a party of 6. 

72 long by 30 tall or 54 round


The Beat | Handcrafted Drum Table from the Philippines

Handcrafted Drum Table from Philippines

Still marching to the beat of your own drum after all these years and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

This handcrafted drum table from the Philippines was crafted from bamboo, leather, and metal. 

28 w x 24 t


Go Bold | Vintage Italian Coffee Table with Neo-classical Design

Vintage Italian Coffee Table with Neo-classical Design

No wonder your motto is “go bold or go home” when your nickname growing up was Evel Knievel.

This vintage Italian coffee table features a neo-classical design and brass trim.

36 r x 16 t


Be You | Unique Hand Finished Console Table

Unique Hand Finished Console Table

Who needs order in the court when color enlivens the weary? Be bold, be fierce, be YOU.

This hand-finished console table features a very unique design.

14 d x 54 l x 32 1/2 t


X Marks the Spot | Set of Vintage Lacquered Tables by Heritage


Your treasure hunt is over. This is the sign you’ve been waiting for, a pair of moody black side tables.

This set of vintage lacquered tables were crafted by Heritage.

 24 in long x 19 in deep x 16 in tall


See Through | 1970s Lucite and Glass Coffee Table by PACE

1970s Lucite and Glass Coffee Table by PACE

Radical transparency is all the rage these days, but some things are best kept opaque — like where you score all your unique vintage furniture items from.

This 1970s lucite and glass coffee table by PACE features brass caps.

36 in x 36 in x 16 in


Workhorse of the House | Elegant Italian Coffee Table

Elegant Italian Coffee Table

One of the most underrated pieces of furniture is the coffee table even though it’s the workhorse of the house. Not only does it hold your tired feet, beverages and movie snacks dutifully but it also doubles as an exhibition space for all your obscure art books. Give it up for the coffee table!

This elegant Italian coffee table is made of stainless steel and brass.

48 in wide x 24 in deep x 16 in tall
