SOLD | You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine | Yellow Pottery Lamp

Wondering which theme you should choose for your new bundle of joy? Choose a favorite song that your parents sang to you as a child ande center the decor around that. For those of you who are waiting for the grand entrance to find out your baby's gender, yellow is a great choice for the baby's room. Not only is it the happiest color of all but it also evokes warmth and health. This yellow pottery lamp would bring cheer to any room.

18 in tall x 11 in wide


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Owl Art

Powers of Prophecy

Perch this perched owl in a newborn’s room. The retro owl is a trendy choice for decorating a baby’s room because of its gender neutrality and its unique symbolism. Owls represent wisdom and helpfulness and have powers of prophecy, much like mothers near and far.

This black and white art piece would fit in well with many color schemes. Original print from the artist Jette Clark, completed in 1971. Includes the chrome frame and gray mat board.

16 1/2in wide x 20 1/2in tall


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