On Trend | Antique Carved Chinese Washstand

Antique Carved Chinese Wash Stand

What is a washstand? A washstand is a piece of furniture that holds a wash-basin and water pitcher. Some were even used for hair-powdering. If you’ve run out of things to be grateful for, here are a couple more: hair powdering is no longer a trend and we have running water.

This beautifully carved antique Chinese washstand could be used as umbrella storage or a small foyer table. 

27 w x 17 d x 60 t


Environmentally Friendly | Antique Inlayed Drop Front Occasional Table

Antique Inlayed Drop Front Occasional Table

Chariots were once a conveniently fast way to travel for many ancient people. And they were a lot more environmentally friendly!

This antique, inlayed, drop front occasional table from Italy has been beautifully inlayed with a chariot design. 

35 r x 25 t


Relax Into Royalty | Antique French Commode

Antique French Commode

Relax into royalty with this regal commode. Go ahead and load it up with colorful socks, squishy earplugs, and lavender-scented eye masks.

This antique French commode features a pullout extension and could be used as a small dresser or giant nightstand.

40 w x 21 d x 29 t


Confucius Say |  Large Antique Confucius Statue Lamp

Large Antique Confucius Statue

Confucius once said, “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.” Like refusing to participate in the fast fashion industry and committing to eating only organic produce and meat, you can also commit to purchasing sustainably for the home as well. Hint, buying vintage or second hand is ALWAYS sustainable.

This large antique Confucius statue was converted into lamp. Carved from wood, this statuesque lamp has its original finish. 

36 in tall x 10 in wide x 8 in deep


Impeccable Taste | Antique Armoire


Some people inherit antiques from their grandparents. You were fortunate to have a grandmother with impeccable taste in wide brimmed hats and matching pantsuits. Now if only you had somewhere worthy of housing such treasures…

This antique armoire features two large hanging compartments, a drawer, cabinet space, original mirrors and a beautiful carving in the front. Armoire comes in three different pieces making it a dream to move. 

72 in wide x 82 in tall x 21 in deep


No Regrets | 1973 Antique-style Phone

1973 Antique-style Phone

Hello? Are you there? It’s me, your biggest regrets. You’re reading this which means you’re still alive. It’s never too late to forgive, move on, and start again. Start by forgiving yourself first. 

This Antique-style phone was handcrafted in Los Angeles in 1973. 

10 in wide x 6 in deep x 9 in tall 


Honkey Knittin’ | Pair of Antique Hand Stitched Pillows

Pair of Antique Hand Stitched Pillows
Pair of Antique Hand Stitched Pillows

Just because your grandma wasn’t a sit at home and knit kind of granny (she was more of a honkey tonkin’, beer guzzling type) doesn’t mean you should be deprived of antique accents.

This pair of antique hand stitched pillows features majestic castle scenes.

18 in tall x 24 in wide


Mindful Contemplation | Antique Victorian Armchair

Antique Hand Painted Victorian Armchair

If you want to start your day off right, you'll need to make sure you're taking a few minutes for mindful contemplation. Practice gratitude, say a prayer, or simply just breathe.

This antique Victorian armchair was hand painted.

28 in wide x 26 in deep x 42 in tall


Reign Supreme | Pair of Antique French Chairs

Pair of Antique French Chairs

Picking your battles wisely is the key to any successful relationship. Relinquishing control of the basement to your partner's 'man cave' vision gives you free reign of the rest of the house.  

This pair of antique French chairs were hand carved and feature an original gilded finish.

35 in tall x 24 in wide x 20 in deep x 16 in seat height 


Homebodies are Somebodies | Gilded Wooden Serving Tray from Italy

Gilded Wooden Serving Tray From Italy

Some folks prefer spending money on European vacations sipping wine with the locals in cafes nestled on narrow cobblestoned streets. You prefer collecting vintage items hailing from far off lands. No shame in being a homebody. 

This gilded wooden serving tray is from Florence, Italy. 

25 in wide x 12 in deep
