For Better or For Worse
Snoreasaurus Rex
For better or for worse, that's what you vowed. If someone had told you years ago that the man of your dreams would turn into a boisterous monster in the wee hours of the night, you may have rethought your decision. Lucky for you, there are plenty of things you can do to get a restful sleep. Now if only you could find a place to keep your noise machine, boring novel, ear plugs, eye mask and ipod...
This 50s side table has a unique circle cutout design. With five drawers in total, it is a great table to organize your nightly routine. Use it to hold reading material, remotes, sleeping masks and ear plugs.
18 1/2 wide x 16 1/2 deep x 29 1/2 tall
48 in wide x 19 in deep x 19 in tall Email us here or call us today at 323-644-5590 to see if these items are still available
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