It’s easy to get so wrapped up in your weekly routine that before you know it, six months have passed and you aren’t anywhere closer to achieving your goals. Spring is not only a great time to rid your apartment of winter dust bunnies, add some cheery plants to your windowsill, and tidy up your apartment, but it’s also a great time to reorganize your life.
Take Some Time to Reflect.
Sit in your favorite chair, put on your grooviest record, and close your eyes. Are you fueling your body instead of just feeding it? Are you listening to your friends’ responses when you ask them how they are doing, I mean REALLY listening? Are you returning your mom’s calls? Are you challenging yourself at work? Are you devoting time to your hobbies? Are you being kind to yourself?
If You Want to Make the World a Better Place, Take a Look at Yourself, and Then Make a Change.
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