Hashtag Awesome | Three Vintage Hacienda Tables

Three Vintage Hacienda Tables

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Give a man a seat he will sit for a minute, teach him how to use an iPhone it will be memorialized on Instagram forever. 

Each of these three vintage hacienda tables were handcrafted and hand painted. The tables feature a beautiful patina and images of fruit, pottery and a fisherman.

20 in round x 23 in tall 


Let It Go | Vintage Boat Painting

Vintage Boat Painting

It's a good thing you have flexible PTO since the only thing stronger than your wanderlust is your FOMO. Your next boat trip is never more than a few clicks away.

This vintage painting of a boat is serenely beautiful. 

24 in tall x 30 in wide 


Adjust Your Sails | Sail Boat Art Signed By Artist Fadik

Sometimes life is smooth sailing and sometimes you are smack dab in the middle of a typhoon. You can't change the weather but you can always adjust your sails. This mid-century painting of sail boats is signed by the artist Fadik. This is not your average Sail Boat painting. Instead the artist uses masculine colors to display an earthy interpretation.

37 in tall x 37 in wide


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