Flight or Flee | Pair of Vintage Leather Giraffes

Giraffes may look cute and docile, but if you wrong them they will either fight (aka head butt you or kick you with their dinner-sized plate hooves) or flee (they can run up to 38 mph). Best to appreciate these long-necked creatures from afar.

This pair of vintage leather giraffes are as cute as can be.

3 w x 12 d x 17 t

$39 each

Long-Necked Elegance| Family of Three Brass Giraffes

Not only are giraffes the tallest living animals to walk this earth, but they only have to sleep between ten and twenty minutes a day. Think of how many more cat videos you could watch on YouTube if you had the same sleeping habits as these long-necked, (albeit elegant) creatures. All three brass giraffes are included in this set. Giraffes would make a great gender-neutral theme for a baby's room.

Tallest Giraffe: 20 in tall x 10 in wide x 3 in deep


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SOLD | Pounced by a Puma | 7 Hand Carved Kenyan Giraffes

Ever dream of going on a wildlife safari but too scared of getting trampled by a rhino or pounced on by a puma? Just because you are too chicken to be a globetrotter doesn't mean you can't decorate with relics from abroad. This beautiful collection of seven hand carved Kenyan giraffes are a delight to people of all ages.


Email us here or call us today at 323-644-5590 to see if these items are still available

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Casa Victoria's key strength is that we are always adding new merchandise, sign up for the monthly newsletter below to be notified of new items. We promise we won't spam you - ever.