Visualize Aesthetics | Embossed Leather Trunk from Spain

Embossed Leather Trunk from Spain

I want you to think of 5 things currently in your living room that are complete and total eyesores. Here I will help get you started; remotes, DVDs, magazines, board games, take out menus. Now, envision yourself picking up all those things and dumping them in this beautiful trunk. Feels good, right?

This embossed leather trunk hails from Spain. 

31 1/2 in wide x 19 in tall x 19 in deep


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Cannons Away

History Buff

Spanish cannon were first used by the Moors in the 13th century. Ironically, the first artillery masters weren't employed  in Spain until the Christian Kings of Spain came to power. Cannons were used aboard Spanish galleons and in forts in the the Americas.

These vintage cannon bookends were handcrafted in Spain. The wooden cannons even move up and down. They would make a great gift for a history buff.

5 1/2 wide x 5 3/4 tall x 3 3/4 in deep


Feel free to contact us by phone at  323-644-5590 or email us at





Sunflower Vanity Mirror

Thou Shalt Not Take the Sunflower's Name in Vain

Before the sunflower seed was a staple for truck drivers and baseball fans alike, the sunflower was known as the symbol for the solar deity by Indigenous Americans. European explorers were fascinated by these yellow beauties and took gold images and seeds back to Spain in the early 16th century.

This gilded metal vanity mirror was handcrafted in Spain. It would look lovely sitting on a vanity or in a little girl's room.

16 in tall x 8 in wide x 4 in deep


Feel free to contact us by phone at  323-644-5590 or email us at